Detalhes de Software:
Versão: 1.0.0 Atualizado
Data de upload: 10 Dec 15
Licença: Livre
Popularidade: 150
Tamanho: 51 Kb
Besides the aforementioned functionality, Within Viewport can also move the viewport margins inside the screen to take account for fixed headers, footers or sidebars.
Originally developed as a jQuery plugin, now the library works as a stand-alone script.
The jQuery version is also included with the download, along with a demo.
What is new in this release:
- Cleaned up and standardized the jQuery plugin
- Added optional shortcut methods
- Added support for testing multiple sides at once (eg, left and bottom)
- Removed requirement for Array.forEach and replaced with faster while() loops
- Tested against IE8-9, Firefox 7, Chrome 15, Safari 5.1, Opera 11.52; Mac & Windows
- Included a demo
What is new in version 0.1.0:
- Cleaned up and standardized the jQuery plugin
- Added optional shortcut methods
- Added support for testing multiple sides at once (eg, left and bottom)
- Removed requirement for Array.forEach and replaced with faster while() loops
- Tested against IE8-9, Firefox 7, Chrome 15, Safari 5.1, Opera 11.52; Mac & Windows
- Included a demo
- JavaScript enabled on client side
- jQuery
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