Apache Kafka

Apache Kafka Atualizado

Apache Kafka is similar to Facebook's Scribe engine (if you're familiar to it) and can be used to handle activity streams. It works by allowing developers to maintain one or more activity streams (or feeds). These feeds can be organized in...

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Apache Karaf

Apache Karaf 4.0.4 Atualizado

Apache Karaf fornece um contêiner OSGi onde os componentes à base e sistemas modulares podem ser implementados e acessados ​​durante as fases de desenvolvimento, teste ou produção. Karaf é fácil de configurar graças ao seu sistema de configuração...

Apache Lens

Apache Lens 2.4.0-beta Atualizado

Apache Lens is an aggregation system that acts like an umbrella project for various data storage mediums.Lens will act like an intermediary, taking user queries and sending them to each service in its own specific query language and syntax.It will then...