User Submitted Posts

User Submitted Posts 20150808 Atualizado

'User Submitted Posts' can be used on community blogs where users submit new posts and an admin publishes them online after moderating and/or spell-checking them. Can also be configured to automatically publish user submitted posts, but that...

WordPress SMS

WordPress SMS 3.1.0 Atualizado

The WordPress SMS plugin allows users to subscribe via their telephone number and get blog updates via SMS. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...

WP Restaurant Manager

WP Restaurant Manager 1.0.7 Atualizado

WP Restaurant Manager combines different WordPress plugins together to provide all their functionality bundled in one single product. Webmasters that install this plugin don't only benefit from a menu management system, a business administration...

jQuery Nearest Element

jQuery Nearest Element 1.4.0 Atualizado

The plugin works with pixel measurements, and not DOM structures. This is not to be confused with jQuery's own .closest() method, which is based on the DOM tree, not pixels. Also included are helper methods to find the furthest away or the element...

Contact Form To DB

Contact Form To DB 1.5.1 Atualizado

Contact Form To DB was crafted specifically to work with BestWebSoft's Contact Form plugin and provides a fail-safe mechanism in case there's a problem delivering the messages or the admin reaching his inbox. Messages can be consulted at any...


IMCE 7.x-1.9 / 6.x-2.7 / 5.x-1.3 / 8.x-1.0-beta2 Atualizado

IMCE is currently one of the most used Drupal modules around. IMCE can also be easily integrated into any WYSIWYG editor. Installation: Login the Drupal administration panel. Go to Modules section. Upload the module or copy&paste the module download...


Projectfork 4.3.3 Atualizado

Projectfork is a way for teams to collaborate on the Web, work together on projects, share goals, divide tasks, and track their worked hours. It can be used for in-office jobs or for freelancing gigs, allowing users to define their project's...


WP-FB-AutoConnect 4.1.2 Atualizado

The login interface can be customized using CSS. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is new in this release:Change the default display_name...


WP-ViperGB 1.3.18 Atualizado

It will add a stylish guestbook to the page, so users can leave messages to the owner or each other. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.What is...


jQuery.deserialize 1.3.3 Atualizado

jQuery.deserialize can take encoded form data and repopulate forms with it. For serialized data to work with the jQuery.deserialize plugin it must have been create with one of these...