Weekly Schedule

Weekly Schedule 2.9.8 Atualizado

Events will be displayed inside a tooltip. The calendar can be styled using CSS. All events can be added in the back-end. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in...


pygit2 0.23.2 Atualizado

pygit2 is actually a Python binding to the libgit2 linkable C Git library. Works with: Gits Commits Trees Repositories Blobs Tags Inspect the status Other language bindings for libgit2: Ruby - Rugged Objective-C - Objective Git C# -...

Theme My Login

Theme My Login 6.4.1 Atualizado

The Theme My Login plugin simply blocks access to wp-register.php and wp-login.php files, redirecting users to special pages it creates just for this purpose. These pages use the site's regular theme and templates, not the default, ugly-looking...


jQuery.px 1.2 Atualizado

Works with units like px, in, cm, mm, pt, pc, vw, vh, vm, em, ex, rem, vd, smaller, larger, xx-small, x-small, small, medium, large, x-large, xx-large, %, border-thin, border-medium, border-thick, thin and thick. A demo is included with the download...


jQuery.localizationTool.js 0.0.19 Atualizado

jQuery.localizationTool.js (or just Localization Tool) allows for a client-side l10n system to be setup, system working with translated language strings stored inside JavaScript variables. The plugin is also smart enough to tell when LTR and RTL languages...

O jQuery Keymap plugin é fácil de usar com qualquer página e suporta mapas-chave específicas de Windows e Mac. O plugin não faz lidar com quaisquer operações de chave vinculativas, mas apenas mostra um teclado virtual. A página amostras A está...

Password Protected

Password Protected 2.0.2 Atualizado

The plugin does not change anything in the site, it just adds a screen between end users and the blog. To view the blog, a password must be entered. Behind the screen, the site functions normally. Installation: Unpack and upload it to the...

Car Demon

Car Demon 1.5.8 Atualizado

Car Demon is the complete solution to run a car dealer's website without using a highly-specialized and often very expensive third-party platform. This WordPress plugin lets you add a car dealership component to your classic WordPress blog/CMS, all...

Site Audit

Site Audit 8.x-2.0 / 7.x-1.15 Atualizado

Site Audit analyzes a Drupal installation against a preset list of recommended settings and parameters, reporting about problematic areas. Besides the Drush CLI, Site Audit can also generate an HTML report as well, for sharing with other admins...

Head Meta Data

Head Meta Data 20151110 Atualizado

Head Meta Data adds a special page in the admin panel, under the "Settings" section, where webmasters can set which meta tags are included in the head section of their site. The page also acts as a central hub where the tags' content can be modified...