Novo Webcams e drivers da câmera digital Para Windows 7
Fixes: - A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided during the WS-Security authentication has been added. - After power has been lost while recording to the memory card, once power is restored, the system will now continue to record...
Fixes:- A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided during the WS-Security authentication has been added.- After power has been lost while recording to the memory card, once power is restored, the system will now continue to record...
Fixes: - A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided during the WS-Security authentication has been added. - After power has been lost while recording to the memory card, once power is restored, the system will now continue to record...
Fixes: - A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided during the WS-Security authentication has been added. - After power has been lost while recording to the memory card, once power is restored, the system will now continue to record...
Fixes:- A setting menu option that allows for the time check to be voided during the WS-Security authentication has been added.- After power has been lost while recording to the memory card, once power is restored, the system will now continue to record...
Corrige:. - Corrigido um problema em que a lâmpada de energia seria a luz quando o interruptor de energia foi pressionado, mas as lentes não se estenderia, nem a câmara começa a funcionar normalmente & nbsp; Como verificar sua câmera & rsquo; s atual...
Alterações: - Fix cor permitir restaurar problema. Sobre Câmeras Web integrado: Ativando a câmera da Web incorporado através da instalação de software apropriado permitirá que o seu sistema para capturar e enviar imagens através de uma rede de...
Alterações: - Redução de ruído (linhas horizontais) em filmes gravados com 1280 & épocas; 720 @ 60p ou 1280 & épocas; 720 @ 50p seleccionada para o tamanho do quadro / taxa de quadros. - Corrigido um problema com o congelamento da câmera quando a opção...
Alterações: - Redução de ruído (linhas horizontais) em filmes gravados com 1280 & épocas; 720 @ 60p ou 1280 & épocas; 720 @ 50p seleccionada para o tamanho do quadro / taxa de quadros. - Corrigido um problema com o congelamento da câmera quando a opção...
Changes: - The "Underwater" function was added to Picture Mode. We recommend setting Custom Menu G/ + WB to OFF. - The "Live View Boost 2" function was added.About Firmware Update Utility: Applying a different firmware version than the one already...