
Blockrain.js 0.2.0 Atualizado

Blockrain.js is a powerful JavaScript toolkit for building Tetris games with custom layouts and playable settings. You can embed Tetris game boards at any size you want, initialize the game via JavaScript and then just "have fun"! Blockrain.js supports...

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Midnight.js 1.1.1 Atualizado

Midnight.js will help developers support fixed page elements on their site, like menus, logos, affix boxes, sidebars and so on. On top of this functionality, to differentiate itself from the tens of other similar jQuery plugins that can do the exact same...

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Pixel Counter

Pixel Counter 1.2.0 Atualizado

Pixel Contador pode ser usado para adicionar um "pixels no total" ou "pixels usados" contador em seu site, como o encontrado no site Dribbble imensamente popular.A biblioteca funciona em cima de Node.js e pode até mesmo ser usado a partir de sua interface...

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