Detalhes de Software:
Versão: 0.9.0 Atualizado
Data de upload: 10 Dec 15
Licença: Livre
Popularidade: 67
The SDK allows developers to use some of Azure's features in creating cloud-based apps.
Other Windows Azure SDKs are also available for:
What is new in this release:
- New Azure Resource Manager Storage Management library
- Fix a few bugs
What is new in version 0.7.0:
- Refresh client wrappers to latest specifications.
What is new in version 0.6.0:
- Multiple fixes.
What is new in version 0.5.0:
- Added multiple service management modules.
- Split the SDK into multiple sub-modules.
What is new in version 0.4.6:
- Allow users to set the client-request-id for better tracking/debugging of storage requests. This is set on the OperationContext.
- Prevent a potential arithmetic overflow while calculating the exponential retry back-off interval in storage.
- Retry on IOException even when it is wrapped within an XMLStreamException in storage.
- Throw a more meaningful exception when connection is reset while parsing a request response in storage.
What is new in version 0.4.5:
- Added support for managing affinity groups.
- Added support for Media Services job notification.
What is new in version 0.4.4:
- Windows Azure China environment support
- Service Bus metadata support updated to the latest version
- Rich Odata entity query support for Service Bus Queue/Topic/Subscription
- Added support for Service Bus message forwarding
- Added support for Service Bus message count details
- Made sure the response stream is drained to prevent socket exhaustion in Storage
- Added support for all flavors of SharedKey and SharedKeyLite message signing through AuthenticationScheme property on client classes in Storage
What is new in version 0.4.3:
- Added support for updating existing Queue/Topic/Subscription for Service Bus.
- Added support for message lock renewal to support long running message processing for Service Bus.
- Added new properties to Queue/Topic/Subscription/Rule for Service Bus.
- Added support for rebinding content key for Media Services.
What is new in version 0.4.1:
- Added "Azure-SDK-For-Java/<version>" To User-Agent HTTP header
- Added connection string support for Service Bus
- Added new methods to break lease for Storage Blob which doesn't require a lease id and returns the result as an object. Deprecated the old breakLease() methods.
- Added a new method to get the historical events for Media Services
- Fixed Storage Table encoding issue for special characters
- BlobOutputStream now commits block list using LATEST instead of UNCOMMITTED
- Added RequestResult to StorageEvents
- Fixed issue when accessing OperationContext RequestResults
- Fixed the return value of
- Fixed CloudPageBlob.downloadPageRanges to retrieve the blob length
- Fixed MD5 validation in BlobInputStream
- Return ETag in TableResult not only for Insert but also for other operations
What is new in version 0.4.0:
- Added support for Windows Azure Media Services.
- Updated dependencies to non-beta stable versions.
- Added a Sending Request Event to OperationContext in Storage Client code.
- Fixed a bug in the STorage client in blob download resume for blobs greater than 2GB.
- Java 1.6 or higher
- Apache Maven
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