While most static site compilers work on top of a core that includes all basic functionality, Metalsmith is different.
It has a much much smaller core, and all the functionality is added via plugins.
So if you want to have a breadcrumb navigation system with your site, just load the breadcrumbs plugin. If you want drafts and revisions, load the drafts and revisions plugin.
This enables developers to build websites much faster, adding just a few lines of code, instead of creating templates to support these features.
And the best feature of all, because of the way it was built, Metalsmith can be used for a lot more than just building sites and blogs, being capable of creating all kind of other applications as well, like per example: documentation generators, build tools, project scaffolders, e-book generators, etc..
What is new in this release:
- Added ignore support.
What is new in version 2.0.1:
- Added ignore support.
What is new in version 1.7.0:
- Added ignore support.
What is new in version 1.5.0:
- Added ability to pass in plugins to #run.
What is new in version 1.3.0:
- Adding support for local (non-npm, but still node) plugins.
What is new in version 1.1.1:
- Updated recursive-readdir to 1.2.1.
What is new in version 1.0.0:
- Added generator support for Node 0.11
- Added support for absolute source and directory paths
- Added #directory getter and setter method
- Added #readFile method to expose the core reading logic
- Added #writeFile method to expose the core writing logic
- Changed #join to #path and use path.resolve
What is new in version 0.10.0:
- Exposes stats on files
What is new in version 0.8.0:
- Added clean option.
What is new in version 0.7.0:
- Let plugins be an array in metalsmith.json.
What is new in version 0.4.0:
- Change #metadata to set a clone.
- Node.js
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