
Tela Software:
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Versão: 6.78.4 Atualizado
Data de upload: 10 Dec 15
Revelador: Bevry
Licença: Livre
Popularidade: 120

Rating: 3.5/5 (Total Votes: 2)

DocPad's core is a template engine which has complete access to the site structure and document model.

This means the developer can have the unlimited power of a CMS and the simplicity of a notepad.

So basically DocPad allows developers to create page templates, website structures and keep them separated from their content files.

DocPad will take all these parts and compile them together into a static HTML website, which can then easily be deployed to any Web server.

DocPad was built using modern technologies like Node.js, CoffeeScript, Jade, Markdown, Eco, Async, Query-Engine and Express.

What is new in this release:

  • Added progress configuration option that you can use to disable progress bars
  • Replaced lodash with underscore
  • Removed these deprecated exports

What is new in version 6.78.3:

  • Added progress configuration option that you can use to disable progress bars
  • Replaced lodash with underscore
  • Removed these deprecated exports

What is new in version 6.78.1:

  • Added progress configuration option that you can use to disable progress bars
  • Replaced lodash with underscore
  • Removed these deprecated exports

What is new in version 6.73.5:

  • Updated dependencies.

What is new in version 6.68.1:

  • longjohn is now an optional dependency.

What is new in version 6.64.0:

  • Fixed a possible issue with @include template helper not working when the renderPasses config option changes.
  • DocPad will now auto-set the site.url template data to the calculated site URL.

What is new in version 6.63.8:

  • Fixed "Object # has no method err".

What is new in version 6.63.6:

  • Fixed npm v1.4.3 from using ^ instead of ~ when installing and updating DocPad plugins.

What is new in version 6.60.2:

  • Don't include --save-dev when installing plugins (regression since v6.59.3).

What is new in version 6.57.2:

  • Updated dependencies.

What is new in version 6.54.6:

  • The removeWhitespace and contentRemoveRegex tester config options now make sense.
  • docpad install will no longer update git, http, https and other remote dependencies.

What is new in version 6.53.1:

  • Fixed autodetection of name and username (regression since v6.53.0).
  • Updated dependencies.

What is new in version 6.51.6:

  • When using writeSource don't write the header if there is no meta data.

What is new in version 6.44.0:

  • Added these new file attributes: outBasename, relativeOutBase, fullDirPath
  • Updated a lot of log messages to support virtual documents
  • buffer is now correctly set as a File option
  • File::setMeta(attrs) can now accept meta backbone models instead of just JavaScript objects
  • Added getFileById(id, opts={}) template helper and docpad class method
  • Plugins can now alter the load, contextualize, render, and write collections
  • Added a new lib/util file for containing misc functions

What is new in version 6.42.1:

  • Fixed backslash and slash inconsistencies on Windows.

What is new in version 6.39.0:

  • Abstracted out the file fetching in DocPad::serverMiddlewareRouter into DocPad::getFileByRoute(url, next) for others to use in their custom routes.

What is new in version 6.38.0:

  • Added docpad init action to initialize your directory with an empty docpad project.

What is new in version 6.34.2:

  • Removed cli-color dependency.
  • Progress bar will now be destroyed when a notice or higher importance message is logged.

What is new in version 6.34.1:

  • Fixed:
  • ReferenceError: docpad is not defined.

What is new in version 6.32.0:

  • Now uses Caterpillar v2
  • We now write a docpad-debug.log file when running with the -d flag, submit this when you file a bug report :)
  • Fixed colors not showing on custom Terminal color schemes
  • Fixed a double progress bar issue when a log message occurs when the progress bar is being written

What is new in version 6.31.4:

  • Fixed "ReferenceError: existingModel is not defined" when you have outPath conflicts.

What is new in version 6.30.4:

  • Testing of plugins now works when the plugin directory is the full plugin name.

What is new in version 6.24.2:

  • Fixed regression from v6.24.1 that caused new installs or very old upgrades to get stuck in the TOS section.

What is new in version 6.21.8:

  • Swapped out underscore dependency for lodash
  • Underscore is no longer provided to testers
  • File::getMeta now alises to File.getMeta().get if arguments have been supplied
  • No longer does deep clones on template data per file render

What is new in version 6.21.5:

  • Supports Node v0.9.
  • Added renderSingleExtensions option.

What is new in version 6.20.0:

  • Better watch handling.
  • Updated dependencies.

What is new in version 6.17.3:

  • Fixed an issue that prevented files from reloading under certain circumstances.

What is new in version 6.14.0:

  • Added DocPad::getFileByUrl(url) and updated the middleware router to use it.

What is new in version 6.13.1:

  • Fixed up Growl notifications.

What is new in version 6.12.1:

  • Fixed update check, been broken since v6.7.3.

What is new in version 6.10.0:

  • Now tells you how many files we have when doing a complete render.

What is new in version 6.7.3:

  • Fixed logging when a fatal error occurs during initialization.

What is new in version 6.7.2:

  • Fixed custom middleware (via the serverExtend event) being loaded too late (after the express router middleware).

What is new in version 6.6.2:

  • Added docpad-debug executable for easier debugging.
  • Will now ask if you would like to subscribe to our newsletter when running on the development environment.
  • Beginnings of localization.

What is new in version 6.5.7:

  • Fixed "cannot get length of undefined" intermittent error.

What is new in version 6.5.6:

  • Added regenerateEvery configuration option.

What is new in version 6.5.5:

  • No longer attempts to install plugins dependencies every time, this is outside the scope of DocPad and in the standard use cases already handled via npm
  • No longer accepts npmPath, gitPath, and nodePath as configuration options, instead these should be environment variables at NPM_PATH, GIT_PATH, and NODE_PATH respectively (without the underscore is also acceptable)
  • Eliminated ambiguity with renderSingleExtensions

What is new in version 6.1.3:

  • Fixed extendTemplateData event firing before our plugins have finished loading.

What is new in version 6.0.14:

  • Configuration variables documentPaths, filesPaths, and layoutsPaths are now relative to the srcPath instead of the rootPath.

What is new in version 6.0.11:

  • Actually installing the skeleton, rather than just doing nothing.
  • Output the skeleton clone and installation progress to the user.
  • Skeletons are now a backbone collection.

What is new in version 6.0.8:

  • Fixed instance configuration not always coming first
  • Removed configPath configuration option. Use the array based configPaths instead.
  • rootPath and configPaths will now be properly respected if specified in your package.json file under the docpad property
  • Configuration files can now bind event handlers using the events hash

What is new in version 6.0.6:

  • docpadinstance.loadConfiguration is now an action called load.
  • Fixed the run action not completing due to a missing callback.
  • Greatly simplified the event architecture.

What is new in version 5.2.5:

  • Fixed layout selection when two layout's share similar names.

What is new in version 2.4.0:

  • Automatically refreshes the user's current page when the website is regenerated.
  • Very useful for development, though you probably want to disable it for production.

What is new in version 2.1.0:

  • Removed deprecated @Document, @Documents, and @Site from the templateData (the variables available to the templates). Use their lowercase equivalants instead. This can cause backwards compatibility problems with your templates, the console will notify you if there is a problem.
  • Fixed docpad --version returning null instead of the docpad version

What is new in version 2.0.0:

  • Generation changes.
  • New plugin architecture.
  • Tested and working on Node 0.4, 0.5, and 0.6.
  • New plugins.

What is new in version 1.3.7:

  • Added support for different meta parsers, starting with CoffeeScript and YAML support. YAML is still the default meta parser.
  • The YAML dependency is specifically set now to v0.2.1 as the newer version has a bug in it.
  • Fixed multiple renderers for a single document. E.g.
  • Now also supports using ### along with --- for wrapping the meta data
  • Supports the public alias for the files directory

What is new in version 1.2.1:

  • Added a Stylus renderer.
  • Plugins now conform to a naming standard.
  • Dependencies now allow for minor patches.
  • Added support for HTML to Jade rendering thanks to Don Park's html2jade.

What is new in version 1.0.0:

  • v0.x users need to follow this upgrade guide [to be done].
  • The concept of template engines and markup languages have been merged into the concept of renderers.
  • Added CoffeeKup renderer.

What is new in version 0.10.0:

  • Plugin infrastructure.
  • Better logging through Caterpillar.
  • Added Haml support.
  • Fixed Jade support.

What is new in version 0.9.21:

  • No longer uses MongoDB/Mongoose. Now uses Query-Engine which doesn't need any database server.
  • Watching files now working even better.
  • Now supports clean URLs.


  • Node.js
  • CoffeeScript

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