Automatic Content Generation with Article Spinner

Contentio AI Content Creation Solution

Contentio AI Content Creation Solution is a cloud-based app recently developed to help you create unique and original content of any category within the shortest time possible. It is one of the main and the most trusted contents creator that composes human-like content for blogs, PLR websites, courses, and articles in less than one minute. According to the creators, you can use this system to compose your blogs and articles without needing to hire writers. It saves you effort for hiring writers or typing an article yourself. Its multipurpose system enables you to publish high-end and effective blogs, social media content, and websites. It features state-of-the-art characteristics such as 100 percent unique and original, marketing content in three simple ways, and marketing technology. The software is made with industry-leading features that have never been used in the same manner. It offers low prices for the services you need, and all the articles are unique to you; hence you will not face legal charges. The world's top-ranked websites use this system to engage their audience without wasting time creating content. Read more here...

Contentio AI Content Creation Solution Summary

Rating: 4.7 stars out of 14 votes

Contents: Content Creation Software
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Contentio AI Content Creation Solution Review

Highly Recommended

Some users might complain that the default interface is more complicated than it needs to be. If you just panicked grab a quick drink and relax because this baby has a full customizable interface.

However, Contentio AI Content Creation Solution is a fairly good program considering the standard and depth of the material it provides. In addition to being effective and its great ease of use, this software makes worth every penny of its price.

Read full review...

Content Marketing Company Services Delhi India

Content Marketing Strategy and Services Business owners from all over the world have specific targets like increasing profits and higher market visibility. In the age of internet, business has shifted places and has emerged on the online platform. It is obvious for budding entrepreneurs as well as established tycoons to look for promising marketing strategies in the online domain for rapid escalation of their brand name. If you are one among these above two, then you need effective Search Engine Optimization and a content marketing strategy which can work out in the most profitable means possible. We offer you quality content marketing options for your business at preferable prices. Need content marketing for your business Insufficient website traffic can be detrimental to your organization's financial progress. In case you receive a meager amount of traffic for your website it will be outmatched in comparison to your investments.

Best Reasons to apply Content Marketing Strategies

Content management is the strategy used to help potential customers or visitor in fulfilling their needs, building trust with the worth of mouth and delivering high quality products and services in order to make long term contracts. Here are few reasons that will let you know that why content marketing is an important part of Search Engine Optimization. Content Marketing depicts a trustworthy marketing in which customers share the brand content. 2. Content Marketing conveys excellent lead generation Content Marketing can easily transform 30 traffic into high quality sales. With best content marketing strategies you can easily attract potential customers for long term. Content Marketing provides the technique of narrowcasting where brands emphasis on core and high quality group of consumers. 3. Content Marketing fulfils the want for enormous information Customers behaviour is continuously changing, they like to search for the industry and brand first before taking it home.

Spread the Word through Content Marketing Services

Content is king The phrase holds true for ever, however with the advent of Google Penguin and Panda update it is important for us to rely more on content. However, merely writing appealing and relevant content is not enough it should be marketed aggressively so that people come to know about your content and know what you have to say. If leveraged wisely and meticulously it could reap great benefits in upcoming days all we can say that it pays off. With this article we have come up with some content marketing strategies that could help people understand about content marketing and how most benefits could be achieved from it. Marketing your content through your Blog One of the best methods of content marketing is Blog. These days most of the companies are maintaining a corporate blog and offer relevant contents. A blog could be utilized to express your thoughts, ideas and insights in your niche.

Are You Seriously Looking For Content Writer Jobs?

Just the simple fact that you even know what a Content Writer is actually puts you leagues ahead of other writers and internet entrepreneurs. Humor me for a few seconds so I may explain For writers like you and I, being a content writer for someone else is a fun and simple way to make money online. You get your topic, you get your keywords, and you write the article After this, you send the website owner your article and it's pretty much that easy. So if you are looking for content writer jobs then listen up. I will pay you to write articles for me. However, you should know that I am going to take your article, put MY name on it, put it on this very website and monetize it. Your simple 600 word article (if written properly) will generate vastly more returns for ME, than I paid you to write it. Sorry to call a spade a spade here, but this is EXACTLY WHAT CONTENT WRITERS DO They think it's a fair trade when someone pays them 7 to 15 for an article.

How To Build Internal Links That Will Boost Your Content Marketing SEO

Although indeed, linking your content isn't easy, one cannot deter the fact that internal linking is more of a necessity in content marketing. It reflects content relationship within the same website, thereby promoting easy navigation across the site. When you are linking your pages, be cautious on which links to insert and where to direct the user. Do not embed links to either the home page or the contact us page. Providing links to the home page or landing pages are of no use. The best way to create a hierarchy of content is to redirect users to another article on your website. And the post must be relevant to the content they are reading. The deeper your internal links are, the better it is for your content marketing SEO. However, adding internal links to improve your content marketing optimization is not difficult. The driving factor is how you do it. When done right, you would not find it hard to witness growth in your website rankings and user traffic.

The Top 9 Elements of an Effective Content Marketing Strategy Updated

What are the critical elements of a sustainable content marketing strategy This article will address that question by sharing nine components of a viable content marketing strategy. As you may already know, content marketing is a robust digital asset that helps you drive organic traffic, get targeted leads, and thrive online. Nevertheless, you need to develop a healthy content marketing strategy for your blog or business to succeed in content marketing. But several B2B marketers are dealing with content marketing strategy and content creation issues. According to the report, 63 of B2B marketers revealed that their decreased content marketing ROI is because of content creation challenges. Also, over 50 of respondents experienced low levels of content marketing success due to content strategy issues. Given this, almost 90 (86 ) of marketers outsourced content creation activities to freelancers. Please, read this post to learn why you should outsouce content creation.

6 Ways to Identify Your Target Audience and Create Content That Connects

How can you identify your target audience and create content that resonates In this age where technological advancements are playing a critical role in every aspect of life, including digital marketing, you cannot afford to lag especially in the field of content marketing, because your marketing activities help you connect with your most relevant audience. However, identifying your buyer persona is NOT a difficult task to do. It is one of the most critical elements of your blogging and content marketing strategy that will assist you to boost your brand visibility and improve your content marketing results. Thus, the success of your content marketing effort is linked to how well you know your audience, which is why this article is timely. When you understand your customer and have a strong hold over their interests, your blogging and content marketing task becomes much more comfortable than you ever thought.

Disney: A Model of Success For Your Product or Website

These days, no matter the topic of your website or blog, it's probably been written about before. What you can offer that nobody else can is your own unique perspective. Don't just do your research, spit out facts, and call it a blog post. Craft it into something that people can understand, use, and find so interesting that they'd come back to read it again. Don't drone on with fact after fact tell it like a story, and develop your writing voice. A good rule of thumb is to create content one day, then leave it alone until the next day so you can go back and edit, and make sure it's an interesting read. Although you might not be able to provide an escape from reality like Disney can, modeling the Disney way might help you create content that readers can lose themselves in. I love getting comments and emails from people saying they've just found my blog and read the whole thing because they found the content so interesting.

How to Get More Facebook Page Likes Using Exclusive Content

So wouldn't it be cool if you could create content that users could only see after they've liked your page As it turns out, just a tiny bit of FBML code will allow you to have content exclusive to fans of your Facebook page. This content is hidden to visitors who haven't liked your page, until they click the Like button.

Why People Should Stop Being Jerks on Twitter

The internet is a great place to share new ideas, to publish your own work, and gain an audience. For the most part, people comment with appreciation for what was shared. But there are always those few people that will bash the work of successful content creators. It comes with the territory of choosing to create content online rather than just consume content. It's also is a symptom of becoming successful the wider your audience is, and the more people you have paying attention to you, the more likely it is that you'll find someone who doesn't like you.

Scrolling News Ticker

News tickers can be a nice feature for sites that attempt to provide up-to-date information (such as breaking news). If you need to present several bits of information at once, then a dynamic news ticker could be just the thing. With a bit of work, you can even integrate the news ticker with an RSS feed to present breaking news from other sites without having to do any work in creating content yourself.

Creating A Photo Gallery

Follow along in the next two exercises to create a photo gallery like the one shown in Figure 11-27. In the first exercise, you create a new content type Photo. Creating content types is covered in Chapter 6, so this exercise provides only the high-level steps. In the second exercise, you create your gallery.

Creating and Sending Newsletters and Newsletter Issues

Now that you have set up Simplenews, you will want to create content newsletters and newsletter issues. To create a newsletter issue, you use Create Content and choose Newsletter Issue. You must give it a title and select a newsletter of which it is part. (The newsletter determines the subscription list.) Add your content, as shown in Figure 12.19. My account Create content

The Organic Groups Module

Another approach for building social networking sites is to use Drupal's Organic Groups (OG) module. This module provides the ability for users on your site to create their own group, where a group consists of a homepage and the ability for other users to join and create content. You can think of OG as the Drupal version of Yahoo or Google Groups. An excellent example of a site built using OG is community groups. After you get the right modules installed, you need to set up a group node and group post. The group node is used to configure a new organic group and a group post is the content type used by members of a group to create content. Following the directions in Chapter 10, create both content types as described here.

Drupal as a social networking platform

Because of the way Drupal is structured, it is very flexible in adapting to the needs of a wide range of different web sites. Permission to perform various actions such as creating content, writing a comment, writing a blog post and so on can all be assigned to different roles within Drupal, be it the role of an administrative user or the role of a standard user who is logged in. This means we can grant the permissions to contribute and help in managing the content of the web site to the users of the web site.

Affiliate Marketing How to Get Started and Make Money

The two first steps mostly entail research and finding out what could be possible and profitable. This is where you put your days of research into action. Unless you already have an active website, this is the next step and fortunately, the process is not as labor-intensive and complicated as it used to be. If the site-building concept is new to you, it's easier to use WordPress because you won't require as much technical skills to set it up. The first thing you will do is to buy a domain name to help distinguish your website and set it apart as unique. Once you have a domain name, you need to purchase then set up hosting, Install WordPress (or whatever other CMS you choose), install a theme and create content.

The Appeal of Making Money Online

There is also the fact that tomorrow I can wake up whenever I feel like it, and I can build backlinks, or create content for my website, or add new assets to my business in so many different ways, whether it be in the form of Twitter followers, or Facebook fans, or simply adding chapters to my EBook that I intend to include in the Clickbank marketplace.

3 Internet Marketing Strategies for People on a Tight Budget

Content Marketing One of the strategies that I have been using for quite some time now is content marketing. Content marketing consists of marketing through channels such as article marketing, guest posts, and blogging. The reason I have been using content marketing for so long is simply because it works. Most people don't like this strategy because it requires a lot of writing. Now, this is where content marketing is affordable and not just free. If you don't have the time to write a bunch of articles, then all you need to do is find somebody that will write for you. I have done this a few times and I know many other internet marketers who have done this before and posted their purchased articles on article directories and as guest posts. My only recommendation is that you make sure the person you are hiring is actually good at writing and are not just pulling paragraphs from other pieces online.

Quality Content Strategy that Works to drive business

A qualitative content is very necessary for those who have online business to attract customers and increase the website traffic that helps them in selling their products on internet to various customers. The quality content strategy is an emerging force that attracts people and appeal the target audience. Not only in online business but the qualitative content is necessary to promote business on all Medias like televisions, radio, seminars, presentations, etc. A good, qualitative and keyword rich content helps your website to get top ratings in the search engine and hence help in increasing the number of visitors to the website. The content marketing totally depends on the quality of content. It is very necessary to hire SEO Company to get qualitative content to promote your business. A qualitative content marketing convert the potential customers of products into regular buyers.

How to rank for a keyword?

To rank a keyword in a Post Panda and Post Penguin world is not easy as it was earlier, unless you are Wikipedia, Techcrunch or Mashable. But nothing is impossible if you follow a refined method and nice strategy, because we do it always. Ranking for a keyword in SERPs organically is a time taking process and is a game of patience. It is very hard now to rank a new website with a popular keyword and thus you won't get 100 results every time. Only a precise SEO strategy, content marketing and serious efforts can help the cause. Wondering how Content optimization and conceptualization should be your next step. Every webmaster knows that Content is King , that's why content marketing is the most crucial part of SEO these days. You should always work on content that attracts user whether you are publishing it on your website, blog or any other platform. Content here not only refers to text but it may include graphics and videos as well.

How to Grow Your Business Using the Internet

Not having a search engine optimized website Writing website content for search engines only and not for people Using black hat SEO tactics Ignoring the power of social media outlets That said, you should avoid using black hat SEO tactics, such as keyword stuffing and duplicate sites. You should also avoid writing website content only for search engines. Once people find your site you have to convince them that your business is the one they are looking for, and that takes amazing content.

Ways to Make Money from Home Online

In order to make money from home online, it would be a good idea to get a website. This is true no matter what type of internet business you decide to start. You will need to choose a domain name that is search engine optimized, as well as create content that uses SEO tactics. Once you have your website up, you can start promoting your website as well as the product or service you are providing. This can be done in a number of ways, including article marketing.

Best Drupal Marketing Modules

The default commenting system in Drupal is OK, but it isn't that great of an option if you're seriously pursuing blogging content marketing. That's where a module like Disqus comes in. The module actually implements the Disqus service which you have to sign up for separately, but it's free for all but the biggest sites. It makes it very easy for users to login using either their Disqus account or several of the more popular social media authentication services like Twitter and Google.

10 Essential Drupal Modules

There are a couple of modules that didn't make my top ten, but still deserve mention. The Rules module allows site administrators to define conditional actions based on events that occur on a site. An example would be sending an email to a moderator every time a comment was posted to the site. I've personally used it to create content workflows which is another excellent use of the module. Rules has a ton of functionality, so if you want X to happen when a user does Y, give it a try.

Using Content Curation to Reduce Your Workload While Building Beneficial Relationships

Whenever you are creating content, its a very good idea to keep two things in mind pleasing your reader and pleasing the search engines. To please your reader, you need to create content that is informative, educational and highly relevant to the topic they were searching for. If you can accomplish that, your chances of turning a one-time visitor into a subscriber and or regular reader go up significantly. This is why we create content for readers first and search engines second. Over time, if you continue to create content on your site(s) that makes use of this curation concept, not only will you have to do less work than if you created everything from scratch, but you will be simutaneously building relationships with other bloggers in your niche that will eventually want to return the favor, and when they do, you're going to get extra traffic and links.

The Science Behind Duplicate Content and How to Google-Proof Your Spintax

Content providers on the web are regularly intent on creating content and then providing that content on multiple websites or article directories. Of course, search providers can tell if content is duplicated and then discount the quality of that content which is found in multiple places. Want to know how to optimize your spin tags to make sure you don't get a duplicate content penalty Then read on, and by the end of this post, you'll have valuable information on exactly how to do it Therefore, for best results on your content generation

How to Promote and Build Links to your Great Content

Content marketing has been one of the most powerful marketing strategies over the past years and an approach that's somehow getting more favorable for search engines in seeding great from crap content over the web proving it's a force to be reckoned with. Tom Critchlow once said that Now is the time for content marketing (he blogged about it last week). And I strongly agree, and I think most of us do, because it's simply the best way to make a brand become known for what it's great at. People will always know and remember you for the things you teach them to do act on or for a certain value that only you can provide. However, creating great content is not enough, particularly these days, where everyone in almost any industry is already implementing content-centric campaigns, making it more of a battle of how to push content and reach its target audience. That ability is the key to a successful content marketing campaign.

Traditional SEO vs Inbound Marketing - How to Scale your Business Fast

The big shift being towards content marketing. Great content is at the center of your inbound marketing strategy. If you don't have this, your destined to fail. But for companies who get it right, they are able to grow at rapid pace. For example 2) Marketo Marketo were named silicon valleys fastest growing private company last year and are the second fastest growing SaaS company of all time. They are a marketing automation company (or Revenue Performance Management), but are another great example of company putting content at the heart of their strategy. I was lucky to speak with Maria Pergolino (their director of Inbound Marketing) on inbound marketing and content strategy prior to the launch of SocialSuccess. They really know how to do great content marketing. I recommend following her on twitter. Of course Google + was launched last year as Google stepped up's it's attempts to take on Facebook and Twitter in the battle of the social networks.

Grind and Repeat: 20 Presentations in 10 Months

In his book, Outliers The Story of Success, Malcolm Gladwell discussed the 10,000-Hour Rule , claiming you needed to practice a specific task for 10,000 hours to become an expert in it. At the start of 2013 one of my personal goals was to get better at public speaking. To make a dent in that 10,000 hours I set myself the head spinning goal of speaking 20 times in 2013. After recently speaking at the Content Marketing show I achieved that goal. Here are some of the things I learned about speaking over the course of the last 10 months.

Is Content King Again for your SEO Strategy ?

Just blindly creating content with no objectives and goals may not get you the right outcomes. Are you producing content to pull in early stage prospects on long tail phrases with the aim of hitting them with a soft CTA like an email sign up , or are you producing product relevant content that is aimed at moving someone a step further down the funnel

4 tools to help measure your Social Media Efforts : Social Media Analytics

Crowdbooster is a social media analytics package designed to help you get more from Facebook and Twitter. It provides a number of features that should help you improve your strategies with each platform. One of their dashboards provides recommendations on how you can better reach influencers, create content that really engages your audience and also what time of day is best to post, which is pretty cool.

6 Powerful Steps That'll Make Non-Writers Create Terrific Blog Posts

If you must know, content marketing is the primary marketing strategy that virtually all businesses big and small are utilizing to generate leads, drive massive traffic, and increase sales. Research shows that content marketing is the fastest growing marketing strategy among others, with 60 of B2B marketers planning to increase their content marketing budget. In order words, the success of your blogging, freelance writing, and content marketing campaigns depends on the nature of your content. Here are 6 powerful steps to your content marketing success. And as discussed earlier, creating high-quality contents is the key to your content marketing success. The more quality content you write, the more you become visible to others.

Goal Setting Journal: How to Accomplish Your Goals With a Goal Setting Planner

Goal setting planners are excellent tools for bloggers, freelance writers, and content creators. They let you apply new habits and improve your entire content marketing productivity. Goal-setting planners are excellent tools for bloggers, freelance writers, and content creators. They let you apply new habits and improve your entire content marketing productivity. blog journalCLICK TO TWEET

21 Best SEO Audit Tools for Website Analysis And Content Optimization Updated

Using SEO website analyzer tools free or premium in your content marketing efforts is the best and most effective way to improve content optimization and website ranking on Google first page. In this article, we have rounded up 21 of the best SEO tools that will strengthen your content marketing strategy . Using website SEO audit tools in your content marketing mix is the best and most effective way to improve content optimization and website rankings on Google first page.CLICK TO TWEET

How to Increase Productivity as a Work From Home Blogger Updated

You need to create an office to help you concentrate on what matters most. With an office in the comfort of your home, you otherwise won't wonder about or be distracted. Instead, you would be able to maintain focus and concentrate on more important things creating content for your blog and freelance writing clients. Research by the Content Marketing Institute revealed that the challenge for 47 of marketers is to create blog content consistently. For this reason, over 50 of respondents say they outsource content creation to qualified freelance writers.

8 SEO Content Writing Tips That Will Boost Traffic and Search Ranking

However, be reminded that SEO writing is not the same as SEO Copywriting. To have a better understanding of SEO copywriting, let us look at the term copywriting. Copywriting is the process of creating content pieces that incite users to action and ultimately convert. Creating SEO-friendly blog posts is vital to your content marketing strategy because it enables you to appear in Google results and drive organic traffic. According to WorldOMeter, content marketers publish almost five million blog posts daily. The best way to gain traction and maximize your content marketing ROIs is to apply what you learn, and frequently measure results. Given this, evaluate and use the main pointers of this SEO article writing and blog tips to help improve your techniques for SEO and web traffic ranking.

How to Increase Dwell Time on Your Blog In 4 Easy Steps

Now that you know what dwell time is and the differences and el as why it is vital to your content marketing strategy, let us consider useful tips that will help you increase your webpages' dwell time. The pointers will also enable you to improve content visibility and Google rankings. So go to the site and type in your keyword. For instance, if you want to create content on Google Adwords for Beginners. Type the phrase into the Udemy search bar and hit the enter button. Another proven way to increase your page's dwell time is to create content pieces that address your target readers' needs. Your content addresses user needs and offers solutions on how to tackle the problems. It involves understanding the keywords they're using to perform search queries, which helps to define the intent of the search. You can also use rhetorical questions to draw out what your audience is thinking about your brand. These will enable you to create content that addresses users' problems.

Top 10 Most Profitable Freelance Writing Niches Updated

Businesses are looking for white paper freelance writers because it is more sophisticated than other content types. The white paper content marketing offers users a solution to their problems in ways that will persuade and move them to action. Let me ask you this is there a company or business that runs a blog but does not want his target audience to find his website online You answered correctly there is none. We all want to appear on Google's first page. And as you may already know, content marketing is the creation and distribution of content to attract and retain prospects. The tech industry is a moving train that no one can stop and so is the need for freelance writers. The job market in this niche is phenomenal, and marketers in this area of digital marketing are continually searching for writers who can create content that will resonate with their target audience.

8 Powerful Ways to Connect Better With Your Blog Audience

Did you know that over 90 of B2B marketers are using content marketing to scale their businesses You read it correctly. Moreover, 78 of marketers said that creating high-quality blog content consistently is the primary contributing factor to their 2018 content marketing successes. When creating content for your blog or social media, put yourself in the customer's shoes. Always think as your buyer persona or ideal customer would think, and then, create content that resonates with them.

5 Calendar Tools That will Help You Stay Organized

Discover my top list of blogging and content marketing calendar tools to help you stay organized and boost productivity. Do you want to stay organized and improve your blogging and content marketing productivity The need for blogging and content creation has become the focal point of many businesses. It helps in attracting a new audience and eventual customer and also in retaining existing readers. However, since consumers and marketers are increasingly demanding, and the constant Google algorithm update, you need to continually upgrade your content strategy by employing new tools and up-to-date blogging tips and strategies for content marketing. An editorial calendar is a visual workflow, content marketing tool for content creators bloggers and publishers to manage and regulate the creation and publishing of content across several marketing channels.

How to Rank Page One on Google : The Actionable Guide

So, no matter your efforts to scale content marketing and link-building strategies, you won't rank until you fix thin content. A doctor may not prescribe without having you diagnosed, and content marketing is no different. You need to know your target audience, what exactly they want, and what they don't so you can appeal to them. Understanding the purpose and creating content by prioritizing searcher intent is essential if you want to rank page one on Google. While most bloggers focus on pushing new content, updating old blog posts can generate better results. But if the old content is not relevant and up to date, it could hurt your overall content marketing strategy. The best practice for SEO content writing is to naturally include your key phrases and create content that matches user intent. Use keyword variations and exact keywords in meaningful contexts in headings and FAQ sections.

15 High-Paying Travel Writing Jobs For Freelance Writers

The 15 Travel Writer Jobs for Freelance Content Writers (Freelance Writing Jobs for Beginners) - by Hiblogging travelwriting remotewriting writingworkCLICK TO TWEET From the opening of a new pub, a hotel, detailing a local festival or event, travelers would always want to know more about these kinds of special news events as they break. Thus, your job is to create content pieces that inform visitors and travelers about these events via informative writing.

Top 10 Competitor Reverse Engineering Tools That Will Boost Your Business Efforts

Content marketing is a typical example of reverse engineering in action. About 85 to 90 of marketers are using reverse engineering software to monitor the competition and recreate content that is working to scale their business. By comparing and contrasting, you can examine what posts work best for you and what doesn't. At the same time, you can also learn what kind of articles work best for your competitor and how you can incorporate them into your content marketing strategy to increase your Google rankings.

How to Make Your Blog Profitable 14 Simple Blogging Tips

The graphic shows a research report by SEMrush of 6,000 articles to understand how content writers were writing articles with SEO trends and blog writing best practices. A successful content marketing strategy is where website visitors and users engage with your blog content and do not drift away due to boring content. Consequently, you must make your boring blog post more interesting to read.

10 Easy Steps to Attract More Readers to Your Blog Posts

Consider content marketing a war zone. The battle is for attention and your headline is your weapon. The reader's perpetually but subconsciously asking, Why should I read this Answer the question. Make it unmistakably clear what the reader gains by investing time in your content. The pulling power of a magnetic headline traces to its promise. Simply stated, it's a benefit Barry Feldman Guest blogging on other blogs is a win-win opportunity because, when you create content for others, you're effectively promoting your brand and blog. It will help you reach new readers and build your blog's audience. Guest posting is great because it offers you a new readership and many more benefits. Such questions will help you create content that resonates with your targeted audience because you have your best reader in mind.

7 Content Types You Should Be Using for More Engagement, Traffic, and ROI

However, with the availability of various content formats, what are the best for your audience What types of content should you focus on that will increase your ROIs Before we address those questions, let us examine why content marketing is essential to your business. Content marketing is important because it is a low-cost marketing approach for promoting your brand and building awareness. Indeed, Demand Metric classified content marketing among the most cost-effective publicity marketing strategies of our time. Why Because it generates more leads at a reduced cost than other marketing processes. Given this, the Demand Metric's survey also revealed that over 90 and 86 of B2B and B2C marketers use marketing content as part of their marketing tactics for business growth. Logically, since your target is to add value to your readers and convert them to leads and paying customers, content marketing should be your number one tool.

How To Build An Online Presence For Your Business

Google Analytics comes into play because it is one of the best SEO tools that will help to strengthen your content marketing strategy. The software will enable you to find out the type of content that is driving the most traffic to your site. Here is how to use Google Analytics.

9 Reasons Why No One is Reading Your Blog Posts And How to Fix It

If your headline is not stimulating, no one will click to read your post.CLICK TO TWEETPro tip Maintain the 20 80 rule for content promotion and test your content marketing strategy to define what works best for you. Maintain the 20 80 rule for content promotion and test your content marketing strategy to define what works best for you.CLICK TO TWEET The reasons above show why no one is interested in your blog posts ideas, and why they're not reading your blogs. But you can make them read by applying the suggested tips in the article. To get people to read your content in today's competitive content marketing sphere is a great challenge. Not only you , but many others are facing.

How to Find High-Paying Freelance Writing Clients on LinkedIn

Hi (Prospects name), Thanks a lot for connecting with me here on LinkedIn, I truly appreciate it. I see we are both in the content marketing niche, and I was wondering if you outsource content writing to freelance writers. As a blogger and B2B freelance writer for Moss Media, I help B2B marketers generate more targeted leads, drive massive traffic, and increase ROI with high-quality evergreen content. You can check my work on the following sites where it is featured These are just a few questions to consider before joining any group. Therefore, I recommend you join client-focused groups. That is, groups for content marketing, copywriting, etc. These are prospecting groups where your target clients are hanging out. That's why these types of groups, client-focused groups.Being a part of such groups will enhance your visibility to prospects who are ready to hire you for your services.

Top 9 Epic Ways To Make Your Blog Posts Go Viral

Content marketing is a lucrative business and one of the main marketing strategy for B2B and B2C marketers, as well as startups companies. To back this up consider the following content marketing and blogging statistics Publishing content regularly is a fascinating content marketing best practices, but to skyrocket your reach and make your articles go viral, find the best day of the week to publish your articles. Hence, take advantage of this graphic as a basis for your blogging and content marketing campaigns when publishing your articles. If you've not considered using influencers in your blogging and content marketing campaigns, please read this article. Are you using calls-to-action in your content marketing strategy *Important* One simple call-to-action can make all the difference in your content marketing campaigns. The tips here are tested and proven, so apply them in your content marketing strategy and see your blog posts go viral.

How to Use a Blog Planner to Meet Your Blogging Goals

There are some questions that almost every blogger would ask at some point when creating content or want to write a new blog post. What should I write today What blog post ideas will excite my readers Do these questions sound familiar In fact, this tool also allows you to create a budgeting plan for your side hustle and other activities. And as a content marketing blog, you can use it to plan your content creation processes, blog editing, publishing, and distribution tasks. Yes, you can use the website content planner to schedule recurring projects. Recurring projects are repeat blogging work, freelance writing work, or anything you must repeatedly do to meet your blogging goals. Organizing such projects allows you to remove the risk associated with forgetting it the next time you do your planning sessions.

Social Selling: What Is It, Why It Matters? And How to Do it

However, for building a strong relationship with your intended audience, content is the key. Find out what your intended audience needs, and also check out the content of your competitors. Then create content that appeals to their interests. For this reason, you need to incorporate social content into your overall content marketing strategy. Once you make content marketing a part of your overall marketing strategy, you will start getting productive and positive results.

8 Undeniable Ways to Build Brand Trust on Social Media

Now that you have a blog, what's next You need to create content regularly. Create content on a variety of topics in your niche that your target audience is searching for on the internet. With the information, you gathered, create content that will solve your audience's problems or be able to teach them what they need to know. Again, it's about content that will entertain and move them to action. Testimonials from your customers are key content marketing components because these types of content are open-minded, natural, and more engaging.

10 Actionable Tips to Impress and Land Your First Freelance Writing Client

As a result, many freelance content writers are finding high-paying clients from the platform. From the list of companies and businesses on the directory of your choice, select those in your niche that are using content marketing as part of their marketing strategy. Go to your local grocery store, businesses, etc, and ask if they would be interested to work with you as a content writer for their blog. What you should have in mind is that, if a site owner is paying other freelance writers to create content for his blog, the is a higher chance that he will hire you as well.

How to Write Evergreen Content That Will Smash Google Rankings

One of the most effective digital marketing assets is content marketing. That is because it enables you to market your small business in a variety of ways, using different content strategies, including blogging. For example, if you're in the blogging and freelance writing niche, you can create content around the following topics Research is one of the most vital aspects of content marketing. So if you want your blog posts to be searchable and rank on SERPs, you must conduct thorough research on the topics you want to develop. It helps you write SEO evergreen content. As stated earlier, content marketing is the best asset for marketers as it helps in virtually all forms of marketing. Marketers and brands are using content marketing to reach their business goals. Indeed, 86 of survey respondents say content marketing enabled them to accomplish their marketing objectives. The graph below shows the gains you can achieve with content. Source image via Content Marketing Institute.

7 Epic Ways How to Avoid Writing a Blog Post Nobody Will Read

As such, marketers with the budget plan to spend more on writing blog posts and creating content now than they did in the past take a look at the screenshot below to see how monthly blog post publishing impacts inbound traffic. You can see a steady rise in the numbers. Truth be told, whether you're a small business owner or a big brand, blogging is an integral part of your content marketing strategy. Here is why writing blogs for your business blog is important. In this article, I'm sharing epic content writing tips on how to write for a blog and speak to your audience, improve your ranking on search engines, and increase your content marketing ROIs. Please, make sure to read the entire article to gain value. Years back, content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) focused on the amount of content you post rather than the quality. Indeed, some bloggers and marketers would spend more time churning out articles on keywords that they wanted to rank.

How to Convert Blog Readers to Leads in 11 Easy Ways

You agree with me that to convert blog readers and visitors into loyal customers is not an easy task. Moreover, your main goal of using blog posts as a content marketing strategy is to drive leads and convert them into revenue. But to achieve your target goal, you need to retain existing consumers and attract new ones. Therefore, if you're wondering how to use your blog as a lead magnet and drive sales, today's post will show you the best blogging tips and content marketing strategy for converting blog readers into leads. In other words, this post will show you how to make your business blog profitable. There is nothing wrong with creating content around your product or services. But it may become a bad business practice when you are over promoting your offerings instead of providing value to the reader. Your target market wants solutions, and that's why they're on your blog.

10 Easy Ways How to Optimize for Google Discover Feed

What is Google Discover To some, Discover is a new buzz word. But the Google app feature is an incredible content marketing tool you should be using. Why We will address the Why in a moment below. However, in the fourth quarter of 2016, Google published that they were updating Google Now to improve user experience. That said, because Discover is a terrific content marketing channel for attracting quality traffic, it must be part of your marketing toolbox. But to get your content on the Discover feed, it has to be eligible for Google Discover visibility. These few questionnaires will help you understand your competition and brainstorm ideas to get your posts on Discover. Also, follow relevant blog topics on Google Discover to enable you to know how the Google content marketing tool organizes the content it shows to users. The information you collect will give you valuable insights about user behavior and why Google Discover chooses your competitors.

Why Outsourcing Content Writing for Your Business Blog is Worth Your Money

That's a 28 increase from 53 in 2019. So, why do marketers outsource content writing, and why should you contract out blog article writing to freelancers and content marketing agencies Although it seems easy, one of the biggest challenges of content marketing is content creation (writing blog articles). Please, I'm not just saying creating blogs for the sake of it instead, producing engaging blog content your audience will love. So, let us consider why you should consider outsourced content writers for blog post writing for your website. For example, you can complete a typical blog post in about 4-hours, but this type of content is what you see on any other blog. But outsourcing can help you create content that stands out and allow you more time to concentrate on different aspects of your business. Let's assume that you're not an excellent article or content writer. In this case, subcontracting offers you the opportunity to learn from pro writers.

How to Save Time Writing Blog Posts in 10 Easy Steps

Every blogger and freelance writer knows the importance of creating and delivering content on time. Having a busy schedule, trying to keep up with clients' work, and creating content for your business blog can be a daunting task. Furthermore, you want to plan how to detail and structure your blog post, as well as find relevant images to make your post visually appealing. Visual content is excellent for content marketing. But your planning doesn't stop there, as you will pinpoint the best content distribution and promotion channels for your blog posts. You're not alone in this, because even seasoned bloggers with an exceptional understanding of their buyer persona sometimes feel lost in identifying the ideal content topics for their next blog post. So, it is crucial to improve your search efficiency to save you more time creating content. A study by the Content Marketing Institute shows that over 50 of bloggers are having difficulties in creating blog content regularly.

How To Use Pinterest For Business In 14 Actionable Steps

How can you use Pinterest for business to grow your online trade Pinterest is an image-based social media platform where users share or post image-related content.In the last couple of years, visual content has become the go-to or predominant content type for social media and content marketers around the world. This type of material, also known as visual content marketing is the transmitting of images, infographics, GIFs, and videos to sell a product. Confirming your site will allow Pinterest to show you how visitors are interacting with your website content. It will also help to improve your Pins' search rankings.

How to Use Google Trends to Create SEO-Friendly Blog Posts

However, it also lets you see the differences in the search volume of particular terms overtime, based on location. For instance, the holiday season is right around the corner, and it is time to start creating content that will address your audience's needs for the season. It helps you see what people are most concerned about, or what interests them the most. In other words, the software will show you what words people are searching for in your niche market. Use the search terms to create content around those Trending Searches tab to open up additional content ideas. The information offers you enough insights to develop targeted blog content that will rank higher on the search engine results page (SERP). You can use the data to create content according to your subregion search terms. This process will boost your content visibility and enable you to rank higher on Google.

How to Redesign a Website Without Losing Consumers

Keep your sentences short, break up the text into smaller paragraphs, and leave lots of white space. Remember that your content is not about you. If your current website content is only talking about your business and deals, you are sending customers a clear message that you don't care about their needs. Why Redesigning a Website Is Important to Your Content Marketing Strategy - by jolene_rford websitedesign websiteCLICK TO TWEET

How To Make Your Press Release More Shareable On Social Media

If you want to grow your followers on twitter and widen the reach of your news, use Twitter Ads. Twitter Advertising campaigns will enable you to expand the reach of your press release helping amplify your content marketing to your target audience. Infographics are visual representations of complex data that make it easy to understand. Today, a lot of businesses are using this visual content tool in their content marketing strategy. Infographics allow people to easily digest information through statistics, charts, and visual data. The information becomes catchy and interesting with the use of colors, negative spacing, and proportion. One of the most efficient content marketing tools is Quotes. Quotes are so effective because they help to get user attention while offering wisdom and inspiration. Moreover, after writing your press release material, you send them to journalists for evaluation and publishing. Many of these journalists need quotes to amplify their stories. That's not all.

12 Proven Ways How to Be a Successful Blogger

As a blogger, you are aware that the key to successful blogging is to write and publish high-quality content regularly. But there's not all there is to blogging success. However, while frequently create high-quality content sets you up as an expert and authority in your writing niche, many are struggling with this aspect of content marketing. According to research, content marketing is the most prominent and fastest-growing digital marketing assets. Over 90 of marketers are using content marketing as their primary marketing strategy. As a cost-effective content marketing strategy, blogging for business improves your inbound marketing activities and helps drive web traffic to your site or the product page. These activities help you be a successful blogger. And if you're working with a team of content writers or freelance article writers, the calendar makes your blogging targets accessible to your organization. This approach lets you improve productivity.

How to Write a Headline That Will Get Results Updated

In a way, it sounds more like writing several headings and choosing from among them. But in this step, you are split testing what you have created (your headline). So while writing different headlines is a fantastic content marketing strategy, A B testing helps you make the best choice.

5 Powerful Hacks That Will Increase Your Blog's Average Time On Page

Videos not only help compel the visitor to stay longer, but they also ensure that the visitor will keep on visiting for more deliciously cooked and hooking content. Have a look at the types of videos that will attract more views and strengthen your content marketing strategy.

Fotojet, A Free All-in-one Photo Editor, Collage Maker, And Graphic Design Software.

Fotojet is a breathtaking web app with unique functionalities. It is similar to other photo editor and graphic design tools, but it is different. It is a welcome tool for virtually anyone in the social media and content marketing industry bloggers, freelancers, graphic designers, etc.

6 Proven Tips to Rank Higher in Google Search Results With Google Ads

It means that when you advertise on Google, your website content, product, or landing pages will appear at the top of searches that match your keywords. But you will have to execute your advertising campaign properly to get results. That is where working with Google Adwords consultants comes to play. More on that later.

How to Instantly Increase Traffic to Website - 10 Easy Steps Updated

Another tool that works pretty well is Quora and Answer the Public. This tool works much like Buzzzsumo Question Analyzer. All you have to do is find questions that your ideal reader is asking the search engine, give answers to those questions by creating content around them. Although there are many ways to double your organic website traffic, the above tips, with high-quality long-form content, are incredible ways to increase traffic to your website. Apply these tactics to your content marketing strategy. The result will amaze you.

11 Effective Tips on Blogging for Beginners

Experts have described blogging as the act of creating content pieces for a blog in written formats. However, the materials you produce may include other content types, such as videos, photos, graphics, and other visual elements. In all business settings, the key to success is to understand your target market. This process requires thorough research to help you know them better. The more you know your audience, the better you will create content pieces that will serve their needs.

5 Things To Consider Before Launching An SEO Strategy

There are several other things to consider before you start your SEO campaign. But the five in this article are proven hacks that will help increase your site visibility and Google rankings. Your website rankings in Google is critical to the success of your content marketing strategy and SEO campaign. Content marketing is the meat and potatoes of a robust SEO strategy, and you should set content goals as well. To create content that your users will like and share with their friends, listen to their needs by checking out group discussions on social media groups, visiting forums like Quora, and using a tool like Answer the Public to find out the questions people are asking.

How to Use Evernote to Increase Productivity and Marketing

I'm a digital marketer with a focus on content marketing, encompassing Did you know You can comfortably create a content calendar to enhance your marketing campaign. Evernote lets you produce a daily to-do list, weekly, monthly, and annual content marketing plan. The good thing is that you can integrate Evernote with other third-party tools, such as You can visit the site and tweak your model to fit your daily, weekly, monthly, and annual content marketing needs. You cannot offer value to your readers if you do not have fantastic ideas that excite them. Consequently, this software can strengthen your content marketing strategy by helping you generate epic content ideas for your blog and clients.

10 Proven Hacks That'll Make You a Better & Successful blogger

As a blogger, you are aware that the key to blogging and content marketing success is to write and publish high-quality content on a consistent basis. Certainly, it does Research revealed that content marketing is incredibly fast, so fast that 93 of marketers are now using content marketing as their primary marketing strategy. You must deliver outstanding contents regularly in order to have content marketing success and be identified as an expert. Writing high-quality contents is important for your content marketing success. It also helps you rank high on search engine result page (SERP). Is plain text all that is required for a successful blogging and content marketing campaign Guest posting offers incredible opportunities because, when you create content for others, you are effectively promoting your brand and blog. Your marketing initiatives in this context is your blogging or content marketing career.

How Freelance Writers Can Make The Most of The Holiday Season

If you can master the seasons of the year and create content that addresses each one of them, you will be adding more to your revenue stream. If you can master the seasons of the year and create content that addresses each one of them, you will be adding more to your revenue stream.CLICK TO TWEET

Top 7 Reasons Why Every Seasoned Marketer is Bullish about Blogging Benefits of blogging for business

Every seasoned marketer knows the importance of having a content marketing strategy for his brand or organization. Your content strategy surely includes content creation with blogging as a vital element. But if for some reason your company has not invested in blogging, that means you're not bullish about blogging. In other words, you're not hopeful or positive about blogging. But it's never too late to start a blog and capitalize on blogging potentials and avoid losing out to the competition. Besides, content marketing and blog statistics offer a robust business case for why you should be optimistic or bullish about blogging today. Please, examine these blogging statistics (61 Blogging Statistics That Will Inspire Your Blogging Business) to see why you need to be upbeat on blogging. It shows that content marketing is a massive part of the customer journey that lets brands get discovered. Thus, blog content creation is essential in creating an always-on relationship with consumers.

How to Generate Leads for Your Blog With Instagram Stories Updated

It also helps people experience your blogging and content marketing strategy and quickly connect to your blog. Stories for Instagram business are also important since they persuade your marketing persona to engage with your posts and increase traction. Furthermore, using Insta Story for your blog helps you collect vital data about your audience in the form of polls, Q&A, and other marketing tactics.

Why is SEO Important In Digital Marketing?

SEO exists in the same vicinity as content marketing. Though SEO is more focused on the technical side of digital marketing, such as As a marketer or business owner, you should place importance on the technical aspects of SEO. These undertakings will enable you to understand how to strategize your content marketing efforts. This process includes knowing how to choose and optimize Implementing search engine optimization into your content marketing strategy will benefit your business in the long run. Whether you are focusing on organic reach, or local SEO, the key is to understand what your target market needs, and to make it easy for them to acquire it.

7 Powerful Reasons Why Long Tail Keywords Are Of Critical Value

On the other hand, seed or head keyword is a common word term that several searchers are using and many content writers are using to optimize the content of their blogs. And because many people are using the head keyword, it has a higher search volume with the enormous competition.

6 SEO Mistakes That Are Destroying Your Marketing Tactics

Determining your focus keywords should be the initial step when creating your SEO strategy. Many marketers and brands still struggle in retaining focus on keywords while optimizing them. To appear on Google's radar, varying firms should consider creating content with specific keywords. The main aim of Google accelerated mobile pages (AMP) is to help publishers in making their website load quickly and efficiently. With the AMP, publishers are in a position to create content that is optimized for mobile and can load anywhere instantly. The content of your website is everything, but there is heavy competition in content marketing. It means that you have to get unique quality content on your blog. Plagiarized and duplicated content, will negatively impact your search ranking, or you will get yourself penalized by Google.

How to Repurpose Your Old Blog Posts for Maximum Social Shares

Success in content marketing requires creating consistent high-quality content. Another study reveal that 7.6 of marketers points out that stock photos had great impact on their content marketing campaign, while over 41 of marketers said that infographics performed best. List posts are undeniably top of the gear in content marketing. Why As writers we tend to create content that are educational, informative, and add value to our readers.

How to Research Keywords for SEO That Will Improve Google Rankings.

A keyword SEO strategy is all the choices you make and implement according to established keyword research data. Your keyword strategy implies all content marketing processes for SEO, such as Can you execute a successful content marketing campaign without keyword research, content optimization, and so forth Actually, it is not an easy task.

Top 8 Lead Magnet Ideas That Will Increase Your Conversions Updated

In that way, you'll be able to create a high-converting lead magnet. But if you're not conversant with content marketing and its processes, you may be wondering what lead magnet is. So let us address that before moving forward. Digital marketing is a saturated niche market, so it is challenging to create content pieces no one has covered before. No matter how you tailor your posts, it will only be more interesting if you add an angle that your competitors have not covered before now. The marketing practice lets business owners act accordingly to prevent risks and increase growth. So using industry reports as a lead magnet will help you convert more leads. Here is a sample of an industry report compiled by the Content Marketing Institute, MarketingProfs, and BrightCove.

How Food Bloggers Benefit from Web Push Notifications

You will find countless articles published by hundreds of influencers touting the inevitability of mobile optimization for SEO and content marketing. For the food bloggers, going mobile friendly is not just an SEO method but also a way to meet many other beneficial intentions. Content marketing is crucial, and bloggers need it for generating website traffic. However, to do that, no blogger should ignore that the majority of people are using mobile phones to browse their content. Here is where web push notifications come in handy.

How to Create Direct Response Copywriting That Drives Conversions 9 Easy Ways Examples

But do you have to invest that much or create a massive budget before you see significant ROIs On the contrary With direct response copywriting, you can optimize conversions and business growth quickly. Yes, you can maximize ROIs with this content marketing approach without competing against big brands. Given this, make this copywriting hack a component of your content marketing toolbox. It enables you to communicate your brand message in more convincing ways to move consumers to respond instantly.

Top 10 Seo Lead Generation Strategies That'll Enhance Your Conversation Rates

Therefore, to win over the market, content marketing is a clear lead generation strategy you can use to extend your reach and create leads. Put differently, although content marketing is used to attract and retain your target buyer, it contributes to selling the products online based on a variety of factors. Although content marketing is used to attract and retain your target buyer, it contributes to selling the products online based on a variety of factors.CLICK TO TWEET Further studies reveal that over 90 of business owners acquire new customers via video marketing on social media. The infographic below shows that video content marketing on social media accounts for the highest return on investment (ROI) for 63 of businesses. As you can see from the screenshot, email marketing is the highest lead generator with 48 , while website landing pages and content marketing have 44 & 43 respectively.

10 Best Ways to Save Money When Starting a Side Hustle

You also need content marketing tools that help you with planning, creation and distribution, and other essentials. So if you choose to work with SEMrush or the Ahrefs app, you will be spending about 100 per month on either app. That is why you need free software apps to enable you to save more money from your side hustle business.

61 Blogging Statistics That Will Inspire Your Blogging Business

30. 88 of marketers outsource blog content creation the most outsource digital marketing activity. (Content Marketing Institute) 54. There is a high demand for guest blog content during June, July, and August. According to Content Marketing Institute, guest blogging is a vital part of your marketing funnel. It provides insightful off-site content that consistently drives traffic and builds your brand authority. Source graphic Content Marketing Institute 60. Numbered blog headlines perform better, with odd-numbered headlines outperforming even-numbered headings. (Content Marketing Institute)

5 Ways Your Business Can Leverage Commercial Photography for Growth

This content marketing element also makes your blog or website more appealing and boosts user experience (UX). But many brands miss out on the value of high-quality photography and instead opt to use stock photos or other inferior quality visual materials. That is a huge mistake. Hence, leveraging this growth marketing hack is a smart move to reach your blog growth targets quickly. Therefore, use this content marketing tool (commercial photography) to distinguish yourself and stay ahead of your competitors.

How These Copywriting Techniques Kept Our Text Marketing Unsubscribe Rate At 1%

Applying copywriting techniques for SMS marketing is a fantastic way to maximize content marketing profits. With over 3.6 billion smartphone users worldwide, SMS marketing is a viable content marketing strategy that gets results. So, it is essential to be mindful of the number of texts you send. To avoid blowing up your consumers' phone, a healthy combination of content marketing tactics along with your SMS texts is a good rule-of-thumb. You can have all of the best logical practices for SMS marketing, but in the end, solid copywriting techniques should be foremost in your content marketing strategy. At its core, well-written copy communicates strategic messages to your target audience. Please don't sleep on the benefits that SMS copywriting can offer your content marketing strategy with 26 million texts sent per day and smartphone users growing at lightning speed, SMS marketing is here to stay.

How to Create Scannable Blog Posts That Will Improve Your Blogs Dwell Time

Part of the reason that you're creating content is to establish yourself as a subject matter expert. In other words, you want to show that you know the topic. You'll want to remove jargons and industry terms. When creating content for the web, it's best to keep things simple by creating scannable blog content. Stick to a layout that is clean and uncluttered. White space is your friend here. It helps make the content look properly scannable and less intimidating.

11 Effective Ways to Write The Best Captions for Instagram to Drive More Engagement

Brand storytelling is a vital content marketing tool, and it's so effective that almost 90 of consumers maintain loyalty to businesses that their values. Indeed, consider the following content marketing statistics According to the content marketing statistics, the power of branded content can never be over-emphasized. Therefore, you can establish brand credibility and trust on Instagram using brand stories in your captions. Tell brand stories that help you build healthy relationships with your followers on Instagram. Also, adding emojis in Instagram captions will strengthen our copy since they're more personalized. They help grab user attention. Not only do these content marketing elements break up text and simply your content, but they're also proven to drive higher engagement. Engagement on Instagram enables you to improve your brand reach and conversions. But how do you drive engagement One of the best ways to boost engagement on Instagram is by asking thoughtful questions.

What Is Long Form Content? Why It Matters 7 Easy Ways to Write It Updated

Are you wondering, what is long form content, and why it matters to your content marketing strategy ' Do you want to write long-form blog posts but struggling to make it happen This article is perfect for you. Long form content matters to your search engine optimization-SEO and content marketing strategy because it offers many competitive advantages, including better search results than shorter content. For instance, BuzzSumo's analysis reveals that long form content gets more social media shares and likes. Consequently, a study by Moz found out that long form content often receives higher social media shares and backlinks when compared to short-form content. Moreover, content comes in different formats and whatever form you present your material, you are creating content for your ideal reader.

12 Online Jobs for Beginners to Start Making Money from Home

Writing content isn't easy by any yardstick. However, if you have superb writing skills and love researching myriad topics, you can make a lot of money working online as a freelance content writer. For this, top bloggers, small, mid-size, and large corporations hire online content writers to provide writing services. And these marketers will pay handsomely to get the best materials. That said, you will require great discipline and time management skills because content writing comes with deadlines that you have to meet.

The 15 Profitable Types of Copywriting Every Copywriter and Marketer Must Know

This article will profile the fifteen kinds of copywriting you should master or add to your content marketing strategy. Understanding these types of copy will help you address specific user needs and increase conversions for your business or clients. Brand copywriting refers to creating content copy that speaks to the reader in your brand tone. You may consider it a verbal version of your business logo. The campaign is about blog article writing and copywriting. Look at the title it surely will get more content writers clicking as marketers are looking for ways to create more compelling content.

Top 9 Freelance Writing Websites to Find Writing Jobs

It can be a rather daunting experience. Freelance writing work provides stable income and stability for content writers, including those who live in remote areas. That is people who're juggling work on top of child-care, or you want to work from home. Flexjobs offers remote work that is both full-time and part-time. Also, they provide jobs for content writers that are on-site with flexible, alternative schedules. It's easy to get signed up and started with FlexJobs. Many freelance content writers already have LinkedIn profiles for connecting with work colleagues and potential employers. It's a great way of building a client portfolio, making connections with local businesses, CEO's, and other recruiters.

6 Types Of Business Writing You Need To Master As A Freelance Writer

A recent study reveals that email marketing produces 38 per 1 spent. That is 3,800 return on investment (ROI). That is correct for B2B companies and their counterparts because 80 of B2B brands are using email newsletters as part of their content marketing strategy. The data shows that B2B marketers who are using blogs receive 67 more leads and 97 more backlinks than those who are not using blogs, while 53 of marketers declare that their top content marketing focus is blogging.

3 Ways Fear of Failure Can Amplify Your Content Strategy

Fear of failure in content marketing These days, creative content is a critical component in every successful marketing campaign. Reportedly, 78 of companies have armed their content machinery with a team of one-to-three content strategists. It's no surprise that 72 of marketers are self-reliant to heighten the engagement rate with content marketing. Many small business owners and marketing agencies still ignore the dynamism of content marketing. If you're getting too persistent with where your fear subsists means that your content marketing model will most likely fail over time. In this blog article, I'm showing you three practical ways you can leverage to amplify your content marketing strategy for optimal growth. Content assets don't come free. It's time to push a PAUSE button on the content marketing mistakes. Your content marketing strategy should primarily focus on these two elements content strategy objectives and content format.

How to Boost Website Engagement with Interactive content

Interactive Content is the Prince, the future of content marketing . Interesting Content Marketing Institute's (CMI) research says more than half the percentage of marketers surveyed are already using engaging content. That shows how serious marketers started leveraging the power of interactive content. Such content is more encouraging and makes sense to the reader than a static material. Therefore to provide a better user experience(UX), most relevant marketing metrics, and a higher shareability, interactive content should bein your content marketing toolbox. Online marketers who want to make a big splash with their audience should tap into their content marketing strategy and incorporate it with more engaging marketing elements. You can add the flavors of humor to your content to make it interactive. Make it fun to read.

8 Practical Marketing Tips to Beat The Competition On Social Media

Social media and marketing performance strategist and top content marketing influencer, Rebekah Radice once said People say content is king, and we all agree to that because compelling content is the backbone of every successful digital marketing strategy. In light of this, ensure to add value to your customers by creating content that is convincing and forceful.

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